feb 02: veggie curry ramen
recipe: https://omnivorescookbook.com/curry-ramen-with-ham
things to improve:
• more water so there’s more broth to cook the noodles
• peppers were too mushy, don’t add to broth directly
• mushrooms weren’t cooked enough
• do something with the tofu (pan-fry it maybe)
• make soft-boiled eggs

feb 03: chickpea pancakes with shaved veggies
recipe: https://youtu.be/T6okHDdiWaE
things to improve:
• add more all-purpose flour if too runny, makes the pancake less flimsy and easier to flip
• more herbs in the crudité

feb 26: tofu katsu onigirazu
recipe: https://food52.com/recipes/85358-tofu-katsu-onigirazu-from-esther-choi/amp
things to improve:
• marinate the tofu
• use egg instead of milk
• better vegetable placement
• pickle the veggies